1 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, RALEIGH, N. C. 8 Tuesday Morning, October 1, 1963 Deaths and Funerals HARVEY M. PARROTT. Funeral services for Harvey M.
Parrott, 56, of 208 E. Franklin will be held at 11 a.m. today at the Overby Mortuary Chapel. The Rev. E.
M. Enzor will officiate. Burial will be in Montlawn. HAROLD R. PINKSTON.
Harold R. Pinkston of 1006 Wake Forest Rd. died Monday night at his home. CHARLIE BARBRE. Funeral services for Charlie Barbre, 65, of Raleigh, Rt.
3, who died Monday morning in Mary Elizabeth Hospital, will be held today at 2 p.m. at the Rogers and Breece Funeral Home in Fayet-, teville with the Rev. Robert officiating. Burial will follow in Lafayette Memorial Park with military rites. Surviving are one son, Dewey V.
Barbre of Raleigh; and one sister, Miss Stallie Barbre of Raleigh. CLARENCE (JACK) MITCHELL. Clarence (Jack) Mitchell, 62, of 200 Lincoln Court, died Monday at Wake Memorial Hospital. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday at Martin Street Baptist Church.
Burial will be in Henderson. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Lydia Mitchell; one daughter, Mrs. Zelle Richardson; one granddaughter; one sister, Mrs. Parthenea Ruffin of Washington; and one brother, Benjamin Mitchell of Pennsylvania.
George Sr. of Portsmouth, mother of Hugh D. George Jr. of 414 Columbia Drive, died Monday night. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
The family will be at home at 142 Webster Avenue in Portsmouth. DAVID H. BROWN LUMBERTON Funeral serDavid H. Brown, 60, who died Sunday, will be held at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Pentecostal Holiness Church.
Burial will be in New Hollywood Cemetery. Surviving are wife, Mrs. Bessie Mishoe Brown; five daughters, Burnes Ivey of Lumberton, Mrs. Posey L. Cundiff of Baltimore, Mrs.
Inwood Hedgpeth of Diego, Mrs. Wallace Green of Six Mile, S. two sons, Curtis Lee Brown of Santa Ana, Calif. and one brother, Ernest Allen Brown of Alfrednore: Brown of Dillon, S.C.: two sisters. Mrs.
Ethel Butler of New York Citv and Mrs. Lula Milligan of McColl, S. C. CHARLIE PAUL NEW -Funeral services for Charlie Paul, 79, who died Monday, will be held at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday at the First Pentecostal Holiness Church.
The Rev. J. D. Jovroe and the Rev. Hartley Blend will officiate.
Interment will be in Cedar Cemetery. Surviving are his Grove, Paul of New Bern: one son, Charlie D. Paul of New Bern: four daughters, Mrs. Stacey Goulding of New Bern, Mrs. Lonnie Pridgen of New Bern, Mrs.
Claude Brantley of New Bern, and Mrs. Lloyd Toler of Washington; one brother, E. W. Paul of New Bern. RALPH J.
WHALEY LUMBERTON--Ralph Jennings Whaley, 63, veteran post office employee, died Monday. Funeral services will be conducted at 4 p.m. Tuesday at Biggs Funeral Chapel by Dr. R. F.
Sloop. Burial will be in Meadowbrook Cemetery. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ruby Little Whaley; two sons, Jimmy Whaley Kinston and Donald Whaley of the home; one brother, Winfred Whaley of Greensboro; two sisters, Evelyn Whaley of Lumberton and Mrs. Ruth Tabeau of Greenville.
Ins the Solemn are more comforting than words J. J. Fallon Co. 205 Fayetteville St. TE 2-8347 We Salute all those who have the welfare and promotion of our community at heart.
This Week We Salute The Volunteer Workers for the United Fund for their untiring efforts on behalf of this great cause. Allitchell Funeral Home Inc. Our staff is proud to be a part of community progress. St. Mary's at Johnson St.
Dial TE 3-8678 SUPPORT THE UNITED FUND 1 I Man Kills Himself At Wilson WILSON Graham Leon Pulley, 43, was found dead at the home of Jack Poythress at noon Monday after shooting himself through the neck with a 12 gauge, single-barrel shotgun. Suicide was ruled by Dr. R. E. Goudy, Wilson County coroner.
Mrs. Della Forbes Pulley, wife of the deceased, told investigating officers she and her husband had gone to the Poythress residence to visit her niece. She said that her husband had gone inside while she waited in her parked automobile when he failed to return, she said she entered the home and found her husband lying on the living room sofa with the shotgun beside him. Detective A. C.
Windham one of three investigating officers, quoted Mrs. Pulley as saying her husband had threatened suicide before. The body was taken to Clayton, the Pulley's former address, before moving here recently. Surviving in addition to Mrs. Pulley are one son, Anthony Graham Pulley of the a stepson, Albert Allen Jr.
of Clavton: his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Pulley of Clayton; two sisters, Mrs.
Willis Worlds and Mrs. Pearl Puckette of Clayton; one brother, James Henry Pulley of Clayton. MISS RANEY G. SESSOMS AUTRYVILLE Funeral serv. ices for Miss Raney G.
Sessoms, who died Sunday night, will be the Autryville Baptist Church by conducted Tuesday at 11 a.m. at the Rev. Roger Chenault, the Rev. Dennis T. and the Rev.
Roger Jackson. Burial will be in the Sessoms family cemetery near Roseboro. LINDLEY L. SEYMOUR WASHINGTON, N. C.
LindL. Seymour, 85, died Monday morning. He was a former night clerk at the Louise Hotel and had been making his home Beaufort county for past 25 years. Graveside services will held at Oakdale Cemetery, Tuesday at 2 p.m. by the Rev.
Luther J. Matthews, pastor of the First Baptist Church. MRS. ZELPHIA C. CREECH.
SELMA Mrs. Zelphia C. Creech, 86, died Monday morning. A native of Johnston County, she was a member of the Free Will Baptist Church in Micro, where funeral services will be conducted Tuesday at 3 p.m. by the Rev.
Bruce Barrow, sisted by the Rev. M. E. Godwin, pastor. Burial will be Selma Memorial Gardens.
Surviare three daughters, Mrs. Robert Tart of Snow Hill, Mrs. Mrs. J. A.
Cain of Fayetteville three sons, Joseph Earl of cro, Richard of Lucama, J. Creech of Wilson; one sister, Mrs. J. E. Jones of Dillon, and nine grandchildren.
HERBERT B. ROGERS. LORIS S. C. Herbert Boyd Rogers died Monday morning.
neral services will be held Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. at the First Baptist Church by the Rev. Lester Branham and the Rev. Dwight Cooper. Burial will be in Princeville Cemetery.
He born in Marion County and a member of the First Baptist Church of Loris. He was married to the former Gracie Powell. viving are his wife; three daughters, Mrs. Fred (Irene) Hyatt Dillon, S. Mrs.
Paul (Lorene) McElveen of Chattanooga, Mrs. Harold (Ozella) Hughes of Augusta, two Herbert Boyd Rogers of the U. Army in Germany, Bennie Rogers of the home; brother, Daniel F. Rogers of Marion, S. grandchildren.
MRS. CARRIE J. F. MEDLIN CAMERON Funeral services for Mrs. Carrie Jane Furr Medlin, 68, of Cameron, Rt.
1, who died Sunday, will be held at p. m. Tuesday at Vass Methodist Church. The Rev. David Moe will officiate.
Burial will be in the Johnson Grove Cemetery. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Raymond Burnette and Mrs. Powers, both of Rt. 1, Cameron; eight grandchildren; three sisters, Miss Rosa Furr and Mrs.
Lottie Stewart, both of Rt. 1, Cameron and Mrs. Bertha Priest of Rt. 1, four brothers, Henry Furr of Rt. 1, Cameron, Joe Furr of Jim and Angus Furr, both of Asheboro.
EDWIN L. SHEFFIELD. WARSAW-Funeral services for Edwin L. Sheffield, 48, who died Monday, will be conducted Wednesday at 11 a.m. at the Warsaw Presbyterian Church by the Rev.
Norman Flowers, pastor, assisted by the Rev. James D. Beckwith of St. Michael's Episcopal Church, Raleigh. Burial will be in Pinecrest Cemetery.
A native of Warsaw, he was a graduate of N. C. State College and was associated with his brother in the Sheffield Motor auto dealers. He was a member of the Warsaw Masonic Lodge and the Warsaw Rotary Club and was an elder and clerk of the session of Warsaw Presbyterian Church. He was a World War II Navy veteran.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Dorothy Kerr Sheffield; three daughtes, Allie, Diane and Mary, all of the home; his mother, Mrs. B. C. Sheffield of Warsaw, and two brothers, B.
Jr. and Charles J. Sheffield, both of Warsaw. Woman Charged After Husband Shot to Death LUMBERTON Mrs. Mamie Townsend, 31, of Rt.
1, Orrum, mother of eight children, was bound over to Robeson Superior Court Monday on a murder charge in the rifle slaying of her husband, John Townsend, 36, Sunday afternoon. Her bond was set at $2,500 at a preliminary hearing in Fairmont recorder's court. Deputy Sheriff Henry Ivey quoted Mrs. Townsend as saying her husband came home in a drunken condition and she declared he was not going to beat her any more, then obtained a .22 cal. rifle and shot him in the chest.
Johnston FWB Churches Plan College Drive SMITHFIELD The Free Will Baptist Churches of Johnston County have set a goal of $10,000 for their benefit dinner for the Mount Olive College development fund. In an organizational meeting at the Will Baptist Church, Monday, Nov. 11, was set as the date for the dinner. A county steering committee was elected, composed of the Rev. Garland Teasley of Smithfield, chairman, Raford Lee of Four Oaks, The Rev.
R. C. Cherry of Hopewell Church, Mrs. Stanford of Kenly, and The Rev. N.
D. Wiggs, Jr. of Princeton. Johnston County contains nearly 5,000 Original Free Will Baptists, the largest number of any county in North Carolina. Minister Heads Park Institute WILSON The Rev.
Charles Hubbard, pastor of the First Methodist Church, was named chairman of the American Institute of Park Executives at the group's annual conference in Washington, D. C. He was vice chairman of the national organization last year. He succeeds Andre T. Fontes, a retired editor and publisher of Oakland, in the top post.
Takes Post WASHINGTON (AP) John A. Gronouski was sworn in Monday as the new postmaster general and confided later, looking at mail statistics, "I'm amazed a letter ever gets to me." At a press conference soon after his installation ceremony. Gronouski professed little knowledge at this early date about such perennial postal problems as pornography, Communist propaganda or parcel post rates. Tots Drown Baby Sister At Durham DURHAM (AP) Two Negro tots, anxious to help their mother who had gone to a grocery store, gave their 20-monthold baby sister a bath Monday. The mother returned home to find the infant drowned in the tub, Dr.
D. R. Perry, Coroner, reported. Mrs. Vernie Purvis was quoted by the official as saying she left home at 11 a.
leaving alone in the home her three children, ages five, three and 20 months. During her absence the older children undressed the baby and put her in the tub to give her a bath, the woman said. On her return about an hour later the woman said she found the infant in a sitting position, motionless and limp in the tub. After the baby wouldn't respond to artificial respiration, the mother said she called an ambulance and had it taken to Lincoln Hospital. Attaches pronounced the infant dead on arrival.
Coroner Perry, who censured the woman for leaving the young children alone in the house, said he learned there were two older children in school at the time of the tragedy. The father has been away from home about two years and the family is being supported by welfare funds. Man Charged In Assault In Forsyth LUMBERTON-Franklin David Jolly, 39, of Lumberton, is being held without bond in Robeson County jail on a charge of the murder of Annie Ruth Hardin, 40, of Rt. 1, Lumberton. Chief Deputy Earl Hendrix said the woman was beaten and an autopsy rvealed that head injuries caused her death.
According to the officers the incident occurred in a residence on a farm east of Lumberton along NC 41. No inquest will held, since Jolly has reportedly admitbe. ted the beating and it was witnessed by other persons, officers said. Funeral servies will he held at 3 p.m. Wednesday in Mt.
Moriah Baptist church, with burial in Oxedine cemetery. Surviving are two children, Peg. gy and Lucky Hardin of the home; her mother, Mrs. Dessie Hardin of the home; four brothers, Eight Hardin of Red Springs, Sanford Hardin of Rt. 1, Lumbervton, Jimmy Hardin of Red Springs, and Lester Hardin of Vanceboro; three sisters, Mrs.
Dorothy Collins of Rt. 2, St. Pauls, Mrs. Fodi Brisson of Rt. 2, Parkton, and Mrs.
Susie Young of Lumberton. Subcommittee Attacks Restrictions on News 3 Bragg Soldiers Killed at Sanford SANFORD (AP) Three Ft. Bragg paratroopers were killed and two were injured near here Monday when their car swerved off a highway while trying to pass another car. The victims were identified as: Charles G. Holm, 20, of Atwater, Harold B.
Stokes, 23, of Austin, Tex. and Ricrard G. Hoppe, 19, of Elizabeth, Ill. William I. Allen, 25, THOMAS E.
McLAMB. FAYETTEVILLE. -Thomas Edward McLamb, 82, died Monday. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 11 a.m. at Rogers and Breece Chapel by the Rev.
Fred Falls, assisted by the Rev. Fred Nordan. Burial will be in Cross Creek Cemetery. He had lived in Cumberland County his entire life and 1 made his home with his niece, Mrs. Joe 0.
Wheeler. He was a member of Gardners Chapel Methodist Church. In addition to his neice, he is survived by one son, C. C. McLamb of Fayetteville.
MRS. AMY D. PRIM. CARTHAGE-Mrs. Amy Dinkin Prim, 73, of Carthage, Rt.
3, died Monday. Graveside services will be held Wednesday at 11 a.m. at Culdee Presbyterian Church near Pinehurst by the Rev. L. Melmin Williamson, pastor of Summer Hill Baptist Church.
She moved to Moore County from Yadkin County many years ago. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. G. Taft Hardister of Aberdeen, Rt. 1, and Mrs.
J. W. Sheffield of Carthage, Rt. seven grandchildren; and three Mrs. Ed Murphy of Elkin, Mrs.
Pearl McCormick for Siloam and Ms. Ora Melton of Yadkinville. She was the widow of John Prim. MRS. LOUVENIA M.
GOODWIN. ELIZABETH CITY-Mrs. Louvenia McPherson Goodwin, 92, died Monday. She was a lifelong resident of Pasquotank County and was a member of the Blackwell Memorial Baptist Church. She is survived by one daughter, Mary Goodwin of Raleigh.
Graveside services, will be conducted Wednesday 2 p.m. at New Hollywood Cemetery. Dr. Robert W. Kicklighter, pastor of the Blackwell Memorial Baptist Church will officiate.
SPURGEON ANDREWS. SHALLOTTE Spurgeon Andrews, 73, of Portland, died Monday at the home of a sister, Mrs. Kate Smith at Ash. He was a veteran of World War 1 and retired Civil Service employee. He had been living in the Ash area of Brunswick County for several months.
CHARLES D. CARSON. BETHEL Charles Durward Carson, 82, died Monday night. Funeral services will be held at the Ayers Funeral Chapel at 2:1) p.m. Wednesday by the Rev.
Millard Eiland, Baptist minister of Bethel. Interment will be in Bethel Cemetery. He was a native of the Bethel Community and was a farmer. He was to the late Minnie Bowers Surmarried, viving are one daughter, Mrs. Joseph Davenport of Norfolk, six sons, Coy L.
and James, both of Robersonville, Francis and Johnny Carson, both of Tarboro, Bert L. and Merlin Carson, both of Bethel: one sister, Mrs. Swan C. Ives of Bethel; and 14 grandchildren. RALPH P.
GRAY. DURHAM Funeral services Ralph Patterson Gray, 45, who died Sunday night, will be conducted Tuesday at 2 p.m. at Lowe's Grove Baptist Church by the Rev. Jay Fogleman, pastor, and the Rev. D.
W. Branch of Lumberton. Surviving are his wife, the former Margie Beck; one son, Wilbur Gray of Durham; four sisters, Mrs. Beatrice Surratt of High Point, Mrs. DorMenius of Karlsruhe, Germany, Mrs.
Jeanine Link and Mrs. Matilda Michael, both of Lexington; three brothers, Boyd of Greensboro, Horace and Clyde Gray, of Lexington. A native of Davidson County, he was a longtime resident of Durham. He was of the Presbyterian faith and attended Lowe's Grove Baptist Church. He was self employed as a paint contractor.
RICHARD P. ABERNATHY. SPRING HOPE Richard Percy Abernathy, 67, of Spring Hope, Rt. 1, died Monday morning. A native of Nash County, he had resided in the Ephesus community all his life.
A retired farmer, he was a veteran of World War I. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mamie Parker Abernathy; two sons, Richard Parker and Cameron Abernathy, both of Spring Hope, daughter, Mrs. Catherine Turner of Rocky Mount; six grandchildren; four brothers, G. W.
of Chapel Hill, J. H. of Sanford, Jim of Spring Hope, Rt. 1, and Tom Abernathy of Greensboro: three sisters, Mrs. C.
B. Brantley of Spring Hope, Mrs. Ella Bunn of Spring Hope, Rt. 1 and Mrs. C.
J. Matthews of Nashville, Rt. 2. Funeral services will be conducted at the Ephesus Baptist Church Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. by Rev.
Kenneth L. Payton, assisted by the Rev. Hugh Borders. Burial will be in Oakdale Cemetery. WASHINGTON (AP) A gressional subcommittee accused the State Department Monday of restricting American newsmen in Viet Nam and hiding the facts there from the America: people.
The accusation came in a report on a controversial and still classified cable sent from the State Department to the U.S. Embassy in Saigon early in 1962. The report was filed by the House subcommittee on information headed by Rep. John E. Moss, D-Calif.
The subcommittee said the cable had been intended to strict newsmen in Viet Nam. It was drafted by Carl T. Rowan, a former newsman, then assistant secretary of state and now ambassador to Finland. In Helsinki Roman declined comment. He told a reporter that the records were in Washington and "that's enough." State Department press officer Richard I.
Phillips declined comment. Other department officials, however, said the department was doing all it could to facilitate the flow of news from Viet Nam. The cable has been rescinded, but the subcommittee said no new policy has been sent in its press place. "In recent weeks," the subcommittee said, "the American public has been surprised by developments in Viet Nam-developments which have been many months in the makinestrictive U.S. press policy in Viet Nam," the subcommittee continued, "unquestionably contributed to the information about conditions in Viet Nam which created an international crisis." den, suffered a broken leg and lacerations of the head and face and Fred Kelly, 19, of Jefferson City, was treated for a fractured ankle and scalp cuts.
State Trooper D. C. Cokerhan said the car, apparently driven by Holm, was headed north on U. S. 1 near here.
He said the driver tried to pass a car, swerved off the road to avoid hitting another car headon, and went over an embankment. WILLIAM R. MAKEPEACE SANFORD William Russell Makepeace, 77, died Monday night. He had been engaged all his life in the millwork business his father founded here. He was an alderman for several and was a steward of the Steele Street Methodist Church and a charter member of the Sanford Kiwanis Club.
He attended Buies Creek Academy. He was active in baseball for many years as a player and later as a director of the Sanford Ball Club. Funeral services will be conducted at Steele Street Methodist Church Wednesday at 4 p.m by the Rev. W. C.
Ball and Dr. Stanley Potter. Burial will be in Buffalo Cemetery. Surviving are his wife, the former Mabel Schuman; one son, W. R.
Makepeace Jr. of Sanford; three daughters, Mrs. Fred Byerly of Dunn, Mrs. W. H.
Aber-190, nathy of Rocky Mount and Mrs. Arthur Barrow of West Palm Beach, 12 grandchildren, and two sisters, Mrs. S. R. Preddy of Durham, and Mrs.
Herbert S. Edwards of Asheboro. CHARLES DUNCAN. WHITEVILLE Charles Duncan, 88, died Monday. He was a retired farmer of the Union Valley Area of Columbus County.
He was the husband of the late Mrs. Nettie Lynn Duncan. He had made his home with a son, Lynn Duncan. Survivors include three sons, Lynn and Glenn Duncan, both of Whiteville and Sgt. Edwin Duncan of the U.
S. Army in Germany; four daughters, Mrs. Pauline Best and Mrs. Paul E. Duncan, both of Whiteville, Mrs.
Sam Bartley of Whiteville Rt. 2 Mrs. Edgar Caines of Chadbourn; and 17 grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Tuesday at Union Valley Baptist Church.
Dr. Francis Chesson and the Rev. Gaston Hester will officiate. Interment will be in Columbus Memorial Park. JASPER J.
WARTERS WILMINGTON Funeral vices for Jasper J. Warters, 84, who died Sunday, will be held at the Ward Funeral Chapel at 11 a. m. Tuesday by Dr. W.
D. Morris. Burial will be in Cemetery. Surviving are his wife; one son, James R. Warters of Kinston; five daughters, Mrs.
Donald Belanger of Washington, Mrs. Burton Davidson of Grandview, Mrs. J. EdBatson of Wilmington, Mrs. J.
M. Riggs of Winston-Salem, and Mrs. E. P. White of Goldsboro; 11 grandchildren.
MRS. CAL WOOD. FRANKLINTON Mrs. Cal Wood, 80, of Franklinton, Rt. 2 died Monday.
Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Tuesday at St. Delight Free Will Baptist Church by the pastor, the Rev. Ralph Clegg. Burial will be in the church cemetery.
Surviving are one son, Ernest Wood of Franklinton, Rt. 22 grandchildren. JOSEPH A. HARRELL. COLERAIN Funeral services for Joseph Armstrong Harrell, 61, who died Sunday, will be held at 3 p.m.
Tuesday at Colerain Baptist Church, of which he was a member. The Rev. Bennie Pledger will officiate. Burial will be in Hillerest Cemetery. He was a salesman for the Home Feed and Fertilizer Co.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Sybil Forehand; three sons, Paul Harrell of Greenville, Joe Harrell of the U.S. Army at Fort Hood, and Randy Harrell of Frederick College at Portsmouth, two brothers, L. H. and Fletcher Harrell of Colerain; three sisters, Mrs.
Thellie Askew and Mrs. Amanda Sharp of Colerain and Mrs. Jim Speight of Windsor, and three grandchildren. a member of the Colerain Longe, AF and AM. EDGAR C.
TURNER. ENFIELD Edgar C. Turner, 63, died Monday morning. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 3 p.m. at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Sherrod Wood, by the Rev. Felix Arnold. Interments will be in Elmwood Cemetery. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Venie Leonard Turner; one daughter, Mrs.
Sherrod Wood; three grandchildren; and one ter, Mrs. Mamie Lee Harris, all of Enfield. MAE G. MAYNARD COUNCIL Mrs. Mae Grimsley Maynard.
76, died Monday. She was widow of Capt. E. E. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs.
G. L. Todd of Elizabethtown and Mrs. Albert Ray of Riegelwood; four sons, E. E.
Jr. of McLeansville, W. G. of Haverstraw, N. B.
D. and G. M. Maynard, both of Greensboro; one sister, Miss Nora Grimsley of Council, and 15 grandchildren. Kennedy Going To Arkansas WASHINGTON (AP)-President Kennedy plans to go to Arkansas Thursday to dedicate a dam and speak at the state fair grounds.
The dam is the Greers Ferry Dam near Heber Springs in North-Central Arkansas. The fair grounds are at Little Rock. The presidential visit was announced weeks ago and the White House gave details Monday. Kennedy will depart by jet from Andrews Air Force Base in WashMaryland suburbs at ington's 10:15 a.m. EDT, arriving at the Little Rock Air Force Base two hours later.
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Martin St. ENO Tar Hi awaite USDA' They tes, tobacc and a steady porary The estima this in 1962 sand worth big pa North Ciga ing on to spi people rette cent the less Of comp. rettes tobaci ingly; if the rettes sharp HOI er co too. ports highe cured The the and Old It tion poun stead predi open Stabi toppi gure tion cent per riod is of the $300 600 1000 1200 $47.39 1500 59.22 2000 78.90 $14.45 $18.65 28.70 37.02 47.73 61.55 57.24 73.82 71.48 92.19 95.28 122.82 Loans Up To $3500 Payments Up To 36 Months RALEIGH Williams Cross 706-708 For your convenience we have additional Street FAYETTEVILLE-214 Rowan GREENVILLE-205 Evans Street KINSTON-717 N. Queen Street LUMBERTON-900 W.
5th Street NEW BERN-402 Tryon Palace ROCKY MOUNT-618 N. Church WILMINGTON-26 S. 2nd Street Here itch, with calle less germ infla speer.