Victoria Advocate from Victoria, Texas (2024)

6C-TKE VICTORIA ADVOCATE, Sunday, July 22, 1990 SALES HLLP WANTED 2S4 WANTED 25 Directory Service MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY LAWtsMOWER MMar, RAINBOW Wonderland licensed chMdcar. Monday Seturday wit) Professional Foundation Repair "House Leveling and Structural Repair Specialists" CDmpktta Analyu Recornmendetions by Highly Trained Technical Stift Underpavung. Slab Jacktn. Total Concrete Restoration Pwr 4 Beam. Hardwood Floor.

and Jnat Repair Osaiage Correction, Water Proohn. Epoxy Iruac-ton a Raftar and Trust Repair and Shonrej Highly Referred by South Texas Professionals "Free Evaluation and Estimates" ADVANCED FOUNDATION SYSTEMS, INC. 'fVmerty Bexar Reconstruction 1 Renovations, Inc." 576-9985 "It costs No More For Quality Will you earn this year and more in future years? International Company in its 8th decade of growth needs three sales representatives in this area. Are you: Goal-Oriented Ambitious Bondable with good references? If you qualify, you will be guaranteed: 2 weeks expense paid training Guaranteed income to start Complete benefit and retirement package Unlimited earning potential and advancement possibilities await you. Act today for a secure tomorrow.

Call GARY BADOREK at 575-0251 on Monday-Tuesday from 9am-5pm for an appointment and a personal interview. AUTOMOBILE SALES REPRESENTATIVE Golden Opportunity for Success Experienced Desired but Will Train Full Company Benefits Full Line of Top Selling Cars and Trucks Unlimited Earning Potential Thru Commission Sales For appointment call 1-645-3296 or 575-5566, Leonard or John Von Dohlen. Von Dohlen Motor Company 403 East Pearl Goliad, Texas 77963 VICTORIA Dag Obedience Chat sponsoring a dog wash, Sunday Jui.v a. at Purrtect Pets. 1104 North Male.

Bath and Dip SS, Nana S3. Brtng own towei. RUB-A-DUB Mobile- pat grooming at your home In our van. We come yea for SI-SS moral Call Stella S74S5Z7. BEEN wanting a great portrait at row family, children, yourself or someon special at a price you can tare wltttt Check aur summer portrait special eutl Portrait Today, W04 North Hwmr 5741414.

HEY "T1 Seniors- cat yeur senior Portraits nude at Portrait- Today by July SI, and gat as wallets wttti yeur order free. Great style, variety and scream proof price. Portrait's Today, 1PM North Navarro, 5741414. DISCOUNT Plumbing. Quality work, prompt service, reasonable rat.

Free estimate. Can S7S-70S4, 574222. SOOf LUNA'S Roofing- peclllzlng In gravel and ahingl roots, leaks. Fleshing warfc. S3 years axperience.

Quality work. Free estimate. 575-517, 575-1455. ROOFING- aM type. Experienced wortuvianahip.

Reasonable price. Richard bally 575515. SEPTIC tysUm Installed pressure pr gravel. Calhoun, Victoria, Jeckson, DeWitt, Goliad, and Lavaca Counties. State approved License Number 0417.

aim cament septic tanks and pressure kits. Dial 574474 OT 571-527. VIC'S Rural Service, backtio, shredding and cleaning. No ob to small. Free Estimate.

Vic Mochatoc Jr. S75-S3S7. SHREDDING and mowing, large, (mail lots, acreage, land clearing, disking, and tree trimming. Free estimates given. Call 574744.

VINYL siding, (term windows, replacement windows. Call far a free estimate. 573-3117. TREE trimming and removal. No tree too large.

Free Ettlmatee. Day 575-134. Evening 574403, WILLS' Tree Service- pruning, cutting back, removal. year axperience, reliable, reference. Call for free estimate 574052.

PAT'S Welding, 2(02 East WIMwood ID. Welding repairs, barbecue errs, woed racks. Cheap. 571-2425, AUCTIONS 340 Vary nsaoninn. Cat! f7-5eB, LAWNMOWER awd adgar angina everhawts.

Call 57S54B4. 60 first classl Nutrl-Cookl-dellciousl Entoy the day the Nutrt-Cookl way. For hungry, busy people. Good eating for everyone. A high energy, weight control program.

The food far aM age. Th most effective way ta central weight. Feel great- remove unwanted inch. Gat your snare of tht mutti-mllllon mdustry. Free sample.

Ask tor Information 5744105. NURSE Side will care far elderly. References provided. 1-07-2040, Bloomlngton. PHOENIX Fiber cookies, 45 cents piece.

575-1142. AFTER school plana lesion. In stadia ar your home. Opening-Clmarron, Woodway, Country Club. Enroll now! 572-424.

msktikc tmtmc PAINTING 575-3571 LELAND R. RUSSELL 20 Years Experience "Looks Good Years Longer" Good Job Fair Price Depone1 )ble Reference Properly Prepared Surtaca Victoria County Insured Free Estimates Neat Ifiterior A Exterior FAINTING- Letand Russell. Goad lob. Fair prke. Guaranteed surface preparation.

20 years experience. insured. 575-3571. FAINTING at Its bestl Interior, exterior, patching, repair. Quality and rellablity inc 157.

Local references, free estlmete. 571-2421 anytime. BRYANT Painting, Interior, exterior, small repairs, experienced. Call for tree bid. 572-0747.

PAINTING South Texas sine 175. Fair prices, home repair, country ob, free estlmet. Anytime 575-2420. PAINTING, taping, floating, acoustical, small repair. 5742423.

HOUSE painting. Interior, exterior. References tine 17. Bill McQueen Painting. 575-1744, 574 44.

BILL McQueen Fainting. Residential, Commercial. Painting victoria since-17. Reference. 575-1744, 57S-4S4.

MOORE'S Termite and Pest Control offering control for fire ents, roaches, fleas, spiders. One time or quarterly. 574544. Use The Advocate's New Service Directory AUCTIONS 340 Ml GENERAL 219 V.V.VAW'XWKO.V.VAV.W.W.V.VViV.V.VV CADMUPSCCHPER GENERAL 211 UJU MO. TIME COUNTRY LMIAHTO PART VICTORIA SIGNS- Piofsaslunal hand painting an plywood, vehicle, magnetic, show cards.

Crosby Signs. Free estimate. S71-057I. Alt Ml SERVICE 4 Air Conditioning. Repairs on ell meior appliance, ftoaaonabta rate, Ik anted, bonded.

MARTINEZ Air Conditioning and Refrigeration. We tervic all makes of central air conditioners, akn chill water system. 473-177. AmtANCf KPAi BOB'S Service Sale. Air conditioner, refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, auto air condl-tloners.

1010 Polk, 574-470. RONNIE'S Appliance Service. We service all makes end brands of meior appliances. Fast courteous and reasonable service. 57S-04S.

CARPENTRY. Addons, carports, patios, mater repair. References, free estimate, quick service. S73-14M, anytime. CARPENTRY Licensed- plumbing, add on' carports, garage conversion', general home bonding Free estimate.

5743m REMODELING, repair, new construction. Top quality. Forrest Cox, CoPad Construction 5754745. 4 Carpet- quality Installation and repair, will also Install mad carpeting. Free estimates.

Call John 5745374. CARPET cleaning, repair. Installation and re-stretching seams. Approved DuPont Master Series. Joe-Frank Fermi 573-5341.

CKllOCASI RAINBOW Wonderland. Licensed chlMcare Monday- Saturday with evening care. Chlidcare, Pre-Mnosrgortan, (Bake Curriculum )-after school pick up, drop-In, gymnastic, karate and dancing taught in aur fully equipped gym. Brochures available. 103 Coal Circle.

570-1M1. INSTRUCTIONS TRAINING 280 In Victoria Since 1967 77 if 3 I-. i.A. I Vw. REGISTERED chlidcare In my home.

Snacks and meals provided. Drop-ins welcome. Call 573-401. YMCA Summer day camp 10. Join ta the summer tun with lots of activities, field trips, nature study, arts and crafts, leadership kill, music, (port and much, much morel We strive ta help your child grow, develop personal velues, get a long with other and have fun.

Several youth eta available for no charge ta camper. For all children 5-IS year old. Come camp with and rediscover your YMCA 575-0511. Space limited. Victoria Young Man' Christian Association.

We qui Id people, YOUTH Canter three ta five day programs for youths, ages 1IM1. The finest Youth Program in victoria. 570054. CHRISTIAN home child care for summer, meet and snack. Also few openings for after school pickup and chlidcare.

Meadow Creek Are. 574-41. REGISTERED chlidcare ha 1 trigs for both full-time children and after school pick-up. 574-0714. CHILDCARE, days ar nights, low rates, meals provided.

Call 573-0304 CHRISTIAN home would Ilka to keep one baby, from epm to 4am, Northcrest. S74B4. REGISTERED chiMcer has on opening. Educational program, balanced meal. Full-tlm.

In Fleetwood. 57M4W, NORTHCREST babysitting anytime, yeur house ar mine. Law rate. High quality care. UH-V Center for Children, 1104 Trinity ha limited opening for the 1 year old Early Training Class and for the morning and afternoon Pre-K Classes.

Before and after school day care available at an hourly rate. Educationally sound research bad curriculum. Beautiful well equipped playground. Experienced degreed teacher. Small cla.

A place for children to thrive. Call 574-3151 ext. 171 or 134. KINDERGARTEN and Pre-kindergerten cla (Bake curriculum). Rainbow Wonderland, 571-mi.

After school pkk-up at most Victoria schools. Rainbow Wonderland, S741S41. LICENSED giver. Openings for twa children, meals provided, fenced yard. Call 574351Z after 4pm 574401s.

INSTRUCTIONS TRAINING 280 QUALITY EDUCATION Day or Night Ctosses Individual Instruction High School Diploma Not Necessary Financial Aid Available 8 Computer Technician Electronic Technician Robotics Technician Electronic Lab Technician Engineering Assistant 5754768 i mi rm 1 4 tin rc Excellent opportunity for a resident of Victoria to earn extra income as a carrier for the Victoria Advocate. The route that's available is located in the Sun Valley, Nursery, and Highway 87N area. The route is about 35 miles in length and takes about 2Vt hours each morning, through by 6 a.m. This still' leaves time to report to a full time job as most carriers do. Ideal for retired person, housewives, young couple, students or anyone wanting extra income.

Carriers are bonded so applicants must be responsible and have good credit as well as dependable transportation and home telephone. Please contact Ray Caballero, 575-1451, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-4 lit 211 PHOTOGRAPHY MANAGER TRAINEES roe ara peopkt onantod. pro-fcenxwel and have a snuimg. anaraatic panonkWy. youl Km great mcioil working the por-tnut industry.

ft-Mart Portrait Studio ara waking ndnnduak with an intaraal prvjtofrepby or unaajwunt to ba framed ai our business. Banguoosre a plus, Photography experience halplijl. we! tram. Compratiaa-stv eorethts package. Paid 1rae inf.

For enmedyrte coromara-tem, apply in paraan wrth our PCA Aapraaantatra, Tups. 10-5 K-atart Portrait Studs) 3601 rtevarre St Victoria, T. EOE G.E.D. Thinking of joining the armed forces? If you have your GED we have 3 positions available till July 30. Call 575-0218.

SOOOV EAR Aet Some Cantor of 6oor Tiro and Rubber Corn-paay presently has full-time omptoymant avallabio tor en experience automotive technlclen. aAtfemum throe years experience, ASS? certified pi Wm rod, Ability to cemaxete brake eorvtce, frent and and jno-ups la required. Benefit Inclueed ara: paid vacation. In- tary hoapiteiizetion. To apply coma by: Coooya ar Aula Scrvic Center, 137 North Virginia, Pert Lavaca, 777, SIl-SSMm.

Equal Opportuni-ty Empioyor. INVESTIGATORS: Tracer i Hcelty to prerai PHA refund. Excellent salary. Call AVON let you, work yeur awn citing, no money down, 57I-04B. WANTED: Asphalt distributor operetor far State Highway work.

Cad EUer Construction. Schulen-bura, Texas, I-4W-743-3534. PART-TIME etvurajskaeper for 3 unft apartment complex, Edna, Texas. CaH l-Wr7tl-a. TRUCK driver needed.

Mandatory drug tasting. Commercial ttcene and experience required. Call 573-313. 573-4211. FREE Travel Benefit) Airline now Mringl All positions I (17,500, SSs.740.

Ceil l-otrysa tarns. Ext Ul FREE Travel benefits! Cruise (hip and casinos now Mringl All posittensl Call 1-402 S3 IMS. Ext rat. Dft'lVER, cammerclal license, clean record, experience in ovor-ttraad driving. Start (4.

Coastal Placement Service, 130S North Navarro, 571-3457. (HtflO) EXPERIENCED commercial and retail Inside sales. Fiv day par week including Saturday. Experience need only apply. Apply person after 10am: 304 Gemini Court.

574474. AMBITIOUS tt-startr. needed to demeatrate. House of Lloyd's Decor, 4V More party meichandlss. Work awn hours, no collection, no del (vera, free $300 kit, free training.

CaH evening, 574-045, or anytime IpVOaTPtOflrtS ASSISTANT Manager Trainee. Taylor Food Mart looking for depen-deble, baneat bard working poops. Convenience store experience helpful, will train. Flexible hours. Apply in parson 1501 East North bet-ween am-ipm.

NEED cash for those extra expanses Sailing Avon may ba the Call Velma 573-45. WAREHOUSE- Inventory central axperience. Mschenicaily Inclined, career opportunity. Call Pam, Goodwin Personnel Consultants, 1304 North Navarro, 570-343. 1173.

OILFIELD Truck driver. For rig up truck and haul trucks, 40 hour guaranteed. Pay according to experience, Victoria yard, ar El Cam-00 yard. rdOO-lW-4551. APPLICATIONS being accepted: Mom wanted full or part-time.

Must be able to work AM or PM shifts. Prefer both shift. Cake decorating experience helpful. Cell $74-4544 ask for Nona. DELI-HELPER- apply with Nancy, Twa cashier, ges console experience, apply with Linda.

Big Vic Truck Stop, Part Lavaca Drive at Leap 175. Looking far dependable parson or couple ta throw morning paper route for one weekend Needs reliable transportation. Good pay. Call after 4 p.m. 574-540.

DOT certified, driver II wheel night, live day a week. Sand mm to: Clesstled Key ill, PO Box Victoria. Texas 7W04. F0LL-TIME amployoo wanted. State Inspection llconatd parson.

Apply ki nam 3301 Sam Houston at Javw Pothoc Exxon. HEAVY equipment eperetorx, ex-poeioncod In frontnd loodor and automatic scraper. Salary open. Aotion Employment Agency, 54-4117. am John Stockbeuer.

eoiy, NOTICE at lob opening wltti Community Action Commit! of Victoria. Application for employment ara curranlly baing takan for ttia position ot Community Service Aid Ml WHJ HI lpJ IIMf IWUU SSrVrCaTS rTJr gram Community Action Com nf9st. RMponMM lor ufrctv tcr nim ewcl Intw towlnQ clinf completion of forms ontf roportaV ahd activities as noodad in providing arrvic to applicant. Will work with many diract assistance pre-grams a won county area i there ba travat anthbt itw vn courrtie. Mead Wimgual (English and Spanish) parson.

Apply the Texas Employment Commission office, 1101 East a to Grande, Victoria (ok any other Texas Employment Commission office). (am-Spm. Manday-Prlday. Appilcatlan will Hit lata, asm. Th Community Action Committee I an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Actlen Employ or.

IS-wheel. good driving record. Celt Pern, Goodwin Peraon-nei Consultants, 230 North Heverro, S7S-SS34 PUTS. DPIVEft NEEDED. Cemmerclal Deans, good driving record.

Salary epen. Action Employment Agency 4OTB John Steckbeuer, 574-41 17 petit. WAREHOUSE- shipping and receiving. OM Held background required. Bead work record.

To tios monthly. Cell Pam, Goodwin Personnel CaneuHents, North Heverro, 474)4). 4173. RESTAURANTS CLUES 220 WAIT psrtens: Neat, energetic, eoondoblo. Day shWt and pert-time late want weekend shirrs.

Serlou eewllcent aopiy at Trauma's El Terro Restaurant. 3001 Port Lavaca Highway aetween 4: JO am. SefurOoy, MARCO'S Mexican Peoteurent kt paw accepting appilcatlan for cashier and bartender. Ceil 7eMt ar came by 770 Heltefl-arliie Hiphwey. Oaftr I new hiring night shift CMMer.

Meet be and willing to work weekend. Anoty at 70 north Navarre and ask far Rip ar Den. atatitehifl, new) anoeeranca, herd-werking. Ooed benefits. Apply In perwd Prawn Peg Saloon, 10 Norm Navarre, ek tor Plcli.

WVITRP.H and uartenaars need-aa. Aacy In aeraan at srMl's, lu aam h-nn, aw m. DnMALD'S now eccaoting aa-a'lratlan. Aooly In parson Jill rth Haverre ar Houston WAHTr rtfii nm sanawlch cook. e-tfwiar run time.

Apply In ran only The Correl, Heuatwi Hlgnwey. GLNiitAL FOUNDATION REPAIR SERVICE 575-5267 5784920 Alan Schiffbauer General Contractor "Since 1965" i RANDY the Handymen, email ar medium lob, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, painting, shaetreck. Call S7S-S401 anytlme. CUSTOM hay hauling, Victoria, surrounding areas, within SO mile radius. nsnbl rata.

4744511. WEST Builder. Custom homes, remodel ma, licensed and insured conn at h. Room additions, rooting, cabinetry, garage conversions. Satlstectlon guaranteed.

Free estimates. 574511. CARTER'S Hoftta Improvement. Replace: dears, windows. Build parch, patloa.

Remodeling, roofing, painting, smell repair. 575-e5. HIGH pressure waterblastlng for bom or businoo. Waterproof i no for brick, concrete, decks, etc Ceil J-Vlc Services 574135. HOMEWORKS- plumbing, painting, remodeling.

Ouailty work at fair price. Llncensed. Guaranteed. Free estlmete. 575-0177.

CANVAS and Mora, Your complete canvas and awning store with low price, sale and repair, 1704-11 East Airline. 57443e. SAFE-WAY HOUSE LEVELING Concrete Slabs Pier Beams Sr. Citizen Discounts-Free Estimates Warranty 572-5412 HOUSE LEVELING CONCRETE SLABS ONLY 578-5611 DINCANS, INC. 4303 N.

Vine Oldest in Victoria (locally Owned a Operated) PAYING too much for auto Insurance? Ticket. DWI, accidents? SR-zTsT Call Crossroads Insurance today. S7M1W. CREEN Brether's Jeweler's. Custom lewelry dadgn and lewelry repair.

Dona en premie. Victoria Mall 57tl25. RAD10SJVS STEREOS 310 PAYLESS TV VCR Repair offers free pick-up, tree delivery to limited areas, and free estimate. Honest, tow price. Now at a new location-WQ4 North Williams, S74-3S57, FIFTEEN Inch Roclcford Fosaate series I Woofers, tour months old, SMO.

575-SS70. PIANOS, ORGANS 320 SALE Pianos, Grands, Organs for fxxna or church, rental Pianos nermann's Keyboard Music 1901 E. Stoti 57643844 RELIABLE piano tuning and repair. Over year In Victoria. Call J.W.

Pose, 575-577, NIELSEN Plane Company- complete tuning and repair servlc. Far service you expect. Serving the Cross roods. To make appointment, call 573-let. BALDWIN Church organ with aH contained speaker.

Excellent condition. tWO. 1-552-5757 ar 1-552-90M. COMPUTERS 325 CROSSROADS Computer Canter, 1101 Sam Houston Drive, across from Victoria High School. Software at discount price.

Computer starting from SMS. Large selection of computer book. 574137. APPLE lie, built-in disk drive, move, standard lie monitor, Im-egewrlter printer, lots of software-Includlng Moueewrlt word processor, print Shoe, and mare. SSS.

Call 57J-747. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 330 CLARINET- Selmer Signet 100, wood, with cose, In good condition. Coat S4N new, asking 57S-52, 474 ten. RAND new five piece Tama set with Zllgeon ymbeta. Wine color.

S10W. Call 57411. KRAMER Focus 4000, magenta color, Floyd Rosa Tremolo, StSS with ceee. Call for Lewis 575-1507. KINO trombone, STOS, 571-7715.

BUFFET, UBIanc L7, and student clarinets. Sterling silver and student ttutaa. Nice piccolo. Mlrafone oboe. At, coronet, ax, trombone and 475-424 Or 574 It 7.

AUCTIONS 340 COMING SOON AUCTION PLACE Estates, Marchandl, KquiOalKXi, consignments Hwy. (W M. Bafayeen EdVxWfnos BWEhrHcfi 18551 laon Kunetka 8182 675-mi, 293-SU7 I S. PUBLIC Auction- 41 ecrae real property only In Dewttt County, approximately IM miles South of oakum, Taxes, 41 mile West from Intersection of 4V1447. Por information, cell Revenue Officer, Joe Pun at 5H 74-two.

ESTATE auction, frva acre, com-merclel, with oner able utllltle. Bloomlngton Hlohwy, iva south Lsurent. Suggested starling aid, Listed at om. Seller will furnish survey, title pmKy, deed, teas ta be prorated, Sioito eerneef money with a at day closing. Auction conducted et 405 South DeLeon, bi Old Vktorle, July Warn, along with a laroo ataerliiiaiil of furniture, eoelience, tools, entlaua, nd inierelteneouft, Sao detelted ad HI Sunday end Thursday Cietslfled.

Victor Mr Donald Auctioneer, License assut. tonally taught cla in gym-ntin. karat and dance. STS-ltal. otC CLAY'S Construct! en.

Concrete work, sinew am eytvawaya, patloa, foundations. Pesidentiet or commercial. Far free eeti metes call S7442I7. Ill iARAK aHsnucnoN Building Remodeling No Job too small! WE DO IT ALL Xlut of Town Busxiess Welcome" licensed Bonded Qaterere! Scott Janak-Generel Contractor 575-1936 1-552-3803 EDDIES' caMnefry, rooting, slab toundatlons. house leveling, sidewalk, panoa.

Drywall and painting. Licensed. Reasonable. i7-07tfl. FREE Raanab estlmete.

an repair, demolition at homes, roofing, concrete work and general remooattng. Call Protype Construction. S7S-e4M. KNOW someone with an alcohol ar drug probiemf Hear 'RelaeO From the Ruin. Call Praedemlina S7S410Z.

fiv i NURSE aide will car tar elderly. Reference provided. 1-17-1040, 1 FOR permanent or temporary employment- Goodwin Personnel Consultant, S04 North Navarro, S7S-3434. WHISKEY River Band Backl Far Wedding dance, private partie. etc call Rick S77-4741, Victoria.

KATHV'S Clowns turns that ordinary birthday or occasion Into a special treat with balloon sculpture- face painting- party treats. Booking Information S73-I713 DOZER far hire, brush clearing, ponds, dirt work etc. Lloyd Ferek, S7J-7S27, Schroeder, Taxes. FENCING- resldentlel, commercial, ranch. Chain link, cedar.

All kind of ranch related fencing. Call S74-44M for estimate. SITUATIONS WANTED 270 CROSSROADS Maid Service, residential and commercial clean-, Ing on a regular ar one time ban. limited. Since 181.

5M. I claen beusas, apartments. bonding. Experienced. References.

Phone 574-101 ar sn-tm. QUALITY Maid Service Our nam speaks for our service. Residential, commercial. One time or regular. Senior cHlien- dtscount.

576-01H HAVE broom will travail Clean your home at flat rates ar hourly rate. 573-03. WANTED ta hire: Christian lady ta llve-m with eideriy couple, cook, da light housekeeping. 575-24. INSTRUCTIONS 111AINING 280 BE a Paralegal.

Accredited 174 Attorney instructed, home study, flnenclat aid, free catalog. SCI l-eO4e-2tt5. EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION 285 FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT JOBS No xparinca necessary. For application information call 219-662-1136, Ext. TX207, 6am to 8pm, 6 day.

Refundable fee. POSTAL Jobs S11.4I ta S14 WJ hour. Far application Information call toll free l-aooevt-taoa, extension TX-11J aam-Opm, seven days. (Fee) MAKE 1750 weekly processing clelms. Cell Ext.

157. Open daily. SIS fee cherg- ad ta your phone. AIRLINE Jab. t-00-4S4-IMS Ext.141.

Flight attendant 415,000, Ticket agent, S32.0O0. Customer Service, Sam-tpm. Sevan day. (14 fee charged to your phone. INTELLIOENCE Job, CIA.

US Custom, DEA, ate. Now hiring. Call 1 85 M7-4004 Ext. K-flia. Fee required.

ATTENTION: Peetal jobl Start S11.41 Hourl For application Information call l-Or43sess5 Extension aem-tOpm, seven days. HOSPITAL fob. Start S4.SV hour, yeur arae. No axperience necessary. Far Information call I Mf-m-tltt, extentlon 75, eem-opm, seven day.

SIS phone fee. aS I MERCHANDISE FOR SALE 300-520 R.iX.CAL EQUIPMENT 381 PACE Saver II battery psrts ciSeta ftvs tttif Included, Ilka new. LaWard 1471,,:....i,lVS STETsEOS 310 RCOUCeO ta SlMI Curtis MethlS fa-Inch color TV stereo cenaol. Vary ot rowtitiiw Cell pPoriMiONAL yen Iwad elaen-Ing ta your home, SI. VCP.

vioee tana repair, car staree Installation. 40 Day Warranty, Ml few. A (I GET ON THE WINNING TEAM AND BECOME PART OF A GROWTH EXPLOSION If you have previous management experience or have related skills in Food Service we have positions available in: victoria and Edna. ENTRY LEVEL: Manager Trainees Assist. Managers Advancement to Upper Level management.

For Confidential Interview: Call 9:00 A.M. till 4:00 P.M. Daily Luis Ibarra 573-9137 START A CAREER IN: BUSINESS ELECTRONICS Word Processing Secretarial Computsroed Accounting Legal Medical Secretary 3. 6 and 9 Month Programs ESTATE AUCTION Saturday, July 28, 10 a.m. Washington ft Sixth Street Nixon, Texas PARTIAL LISTING Display eases, quilts, lamps, co*ke edvertiiinf items, cast iron oookware, 10- Singer sewing mecntn bases, antique car parts, wash boards, straight razors, seed boxes, glassware- Depression, Fir King mora; coin orlections, hardware, ok) phono records, pipe filings, books- 1800's-1900's; oak chairs, slat bottom chairs, appliances, rivet machine, advertising boxes, antique farm equipment, 2- ladies shoe machines, gin, sausage grinders, paintings, prints, lumber, corr.

tin, iron cook pot, tractor seats, harness machine, gnnoars, irises, hanes, harnesses, hand toots, power tools, antique cook stoves, kerosene pumps, oomriercial shehre, oressers, beds, end teb pump parts circa 1920, 2- Attwatsr-Kent radios, Edison record player wroriginel shipping crate, chanoalwr- circa 1900, xpndtnf gates from oM Nixon school, 1963-Bonanza comic books, 1956-Buffalo it comic book, 1956- Gene Autry comic book, 1957- Annie Oakley hardback, 1966- Battle of the Alamo game board, carriage lamps, wardrobes, cherry wmaple top commode, vintage electronic tasting equipment, 2-1949 fire hydrant, 1870 Post Ottx front, glass globe from lever type gas pump, 1930's-40's typ gas pump, arrtxtue toys I dolls, Victrota advertising, approximately 200 raconditkxwd school desks circa 50's-60's, and much, much more.) AUCTIONEER'S NOTE This house was built in LeesviUe, Texas bi the 1880's, and was moved to Nixon in 1905 or 1906. There are thirteen rooms plus an attic in trio house plus a bam (bout 150 feet long. Both are packed with items. In the family, there has been a eobtxer, harness and saddle maker, blacksmith, mattress maker, butane dealer, dock repairman, and much more. Many of the parts, catak bxtls, etx.

are stiH riero. In fact we don't know what aU is in the estate. You wM not wont to miss this sale. We have never sold an estate with so much history. Come eartyll INSPECTION TIME Friday, July 27 Saturday, July 28 12-6 p.m.

8 a.m.-Sale ROBERT W.WsARREN Auction Service (512) 387-6637 TX8042 Limited Consignments Welcome! WELDING Pipe Plate Heliarc MIQ Train to Code Certification FREE JOB PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE 1921 E. Red River V.VV.VA-VVeVeVeVeVeVe Unr ik RESTAURANTS CLUBS 220 Now accepting applications tor waiters and waitress). No x-perience necessary, we wiH train. Apply in parson between lpm-4pm. Salary, BonusCommission Excellent Chentaia THE COWGIRL CLUB 4010 Houston rhvy.

THE Corral Restaurant la taking ap-plicetion for wait persons. Must be neat and energetic. Apply person only btwn 1 5pm, 3503 Houston Highway. EXPERIENCED Apply In person, Remeda Hat, 301 Houston Highway. VICTORIA'S hottest night club.

West Key Lounge I now taking application for part-time and full-time position. Apply Hi parson 1704 Houston Hlunwey. DALLAS went you I It you ara anergetic, porsoriebto. and ready ta work, there tse lob opening for you. have openings for barbecks and wal trasses.

Apply person, SbU John stockbauor, Tuesday- Setur-day, spm-opm. EXPERIENCED! Apply In paraan. Remeda Inn, 301 Houston Highway. DOMESTICS 240 RESPONSIBLE non-smoker ta care for an year etd Mi aur home. CaH S7T-oO.

otter 5:30 or weskends. DEPENDABLE elderly lady wanted ta be live-In companion ta elderly lady Mi Cuere. Room and board furnished. Other particular negotiable. Reference required.

Cell V544-lt3 anytime ar between 7am-pm 1-175-115. SEARCHING far a sitter for a three year aid boy. Prefer someone ta coma ta my home, must be good with children. Cell 573-1137 or S73-TO1, ask for Angela. SALES HELP WANTED 260 BLUEBONNET MILLING COMPANY has an opening in Southwest Texas for a territory sales representative.

Experience in livestock feed sales or animal health and nutrition helpful. Fluency in Spanish would be a plus. Some overnight travel required. Base plus commission, expenses, and benefits. Please forward resume to parvinrwl Manager F.O Box 20Q6 Armore, Oklahoma 73402.

CASHIFR ctarit position eveileM. Muet be ebie to ww mehts and waak wwts, Apoiy within any Klncer Pood SMra. Good benefit package. SALES HELP WANTED 260 SALES THIS IS A REAL CAREER OPPORTUNITY UNITED LABORATORIES. Inc.

is 25 year mdustry lesdar in specialty chomtcats. Our North Amarican sales torca is expanding and wo ara axkirtg for a talented saktsperson who really wants a long term career. Doors to ItonaeemaiTt avaopon. il you am undertake an intensive and complete traimnf program to learn our repeat product line, UNITED may ba just the career you've been looking tor. Our products are sotd to industry, institutions and municipalities.

You must be honest, trustworthy, rettebte, rierdworking and dedicated to providing a professional approach to sates. selected, you can expect fun support from our award-winning direct sales organization. WE OFFER: Top commission rates Auto allowance Bonus plan Trip to European countries Local territory FuH benefit package the U.S. and Canada are paaHzing their career goal, at UNITED LABORATORIES. To arrange a oonfrdtntm fcntfVrtw CALL: CARL JOHNSON Regional Manager Monday-Only 9AM-SPM 713-964-2643 UNITED LABS Equal Opportunity Entrjloyer SALES career, fern POO afu first year, salary ptu commission.

Weekends a must. Number one dealer to Texasl Join the A Team. Call Pee ot 5t-171. CHRISTMAS Around the world needs demenstretera new til December. Perty plan, greet hoatoM program, weakly paycheck, CaH Mi or S7HM4.

SALES Chirk, futl time. Salary phi commission, wall eroomed, eut-going. Cell Pam, OoeOwin Pereon-nei consultant, no Merth Navarre, 74W- IMSURANrP salM rapraaentetlvee. Tram et wMly One agent WIN he enifcd each of our etaft In th Victorle, PwtutiA and Port avers are. Cell fliym lor appointment.

THE VICTORIA COLLEGE announces BASIC EMT COURSE Mo)dGett TwhnfCisn) beginning ESTATE AUCTION Saturday, July 28, 10 i.m., Doors open 8 a.m. 405 S. DeLeon (Old Victoria) The Victor McOonak) Company ha been commissioned to tefl mer-chandts from teverel estate. EvarytrMng be sold to th highest bidders with no reaarves. Most of th merchandna of food quality.

PARTIAL LISTING Rem. mod. 722; .257 Roberts with Beer Cub scope; Stevens mod, 311 A double barrel .410 shotgun; Colt revolver, .38 nickel plated; Rem. mod. 24 semiautomatic .22 rifle; Win.

mod. 1400 12 gauge semi-automatic; IBM electronic typewriter with memory operation manual; office desk; crerJenza; Stratolounger recliner; sofa; Drexel Heritage pecan wood dining room set with 6 chairs; Drenai coffee table; Wettinghou dryer, bke new Ktrby vacuum dee nor with en attachments; matching simps; White canopy bed; casual chair; drafting table; electric heaters; antique gas heater; many fans: antique Emerson pedestal fan; large assortment ot woodworking ft mechanical toots: saws, chisel, hammer, furniture damps, crowbars, electric drill, Skit saw, stepledder, socket nets, (trenches, pipe wrenches, tool boxes, leather tools; large assortment of mrdening toots: fertilizer cart, Homelrte weadeetar, shovels, hoes, rake, wheelbarrow, pitchfork, tree trimmer, chemical sprayers, 2-12 hp. high pressure sprayer, extension cords; fishing equipment: rod, reals, new Coleman lantern. Coleman conking stove, ice chest; singletrees; 3 mule plows; meat grinder and seuiage maker; block 6 tackle; cotton Kales with balance weight; Okl travel boxes; beer bottle capper; crosscut saw; porciifl doorknobs; oval crystal leaded door trratrts; new louver ed doors, patio table; Kodak shoe protector; 2 bicycles; and exercise equipment. REAL ESTATE Cornrnerclel- acres with operable utilities.

Bloomlneton Highway 131)6 S. Laurent. Suceested starting txd Listed at $43,500. Softer will furmsh survey, title policy, deed, tan to be prorated, I0UO eernmt money with a 30 day cash dosing. For mora information call DtmU.

Tt "MS: We accent cash or nersonelued check with proper 10. NOTE: Although all informal am daemad correct, neither the auction agent or Estate make any warrant tea or guarantee a to tlx accuracy herein contained. "The Company That Gets Results" at Auctioneer lit e6W (SI 2TS? 7 Bos Sxib N. Laurent Victoria, Tenat 7ji AUCTIONS ft APPRAISALS Monday, July 30, 1990 Classes meet Monday A Wednesday p.m. To reglttar.

contact Mark Reaar't office Allied Health Building, Victor College For mora information call; 573-3291, Ext. 341 Registration Begin 8:00 a.m., July IS, 1990 Room 205. Allied HaeKh Building ENROLLMENT LIMITED TO 30 Victoria Cottage does not drscriminat in the hiring or admission policies on the basis of race, color, national origin, sax, age, or han-dicapping condition. SALLS I.LLP WANTED SOUTHIRN Harveet Insurance Cerparatien Mods Ikenead agent. Strictly tele, no collection.

Oreet Income. Call or after aam ssrxm. tALISPBaSON (eutsiee ex-perlencel ta pan new territory for auto, ballasts, ether Homing eoulp-ment, Kern eenereti commission. Sail a pretuct evarvone need. Set yeur awn hours, work for a reliable company, tntervtaw held In Victoria.

Branch office opening eoon. Training available. Mall resume to; Aeemeon Liontlng 4 towipment, PO Box iMvOt, Houston, Tana miMm, SAULS HiLLP WANTED 210 PMIMCPICA Dow Jonas hiring menaeer. Aust be mature and mettveted. Cell I M.

Moore Com-peny, lme AABMTS Manager needed by largaet Texe LUe Company for new Victoria office of new notion wide rnuitl level net working. Agency evetent tx.a salary piu cemml alon phis over nne, 1 7U wt rw. tXPANDINO territory available for highly mettveted sales reoresen tetlve. National cemoeny with excellent banetlt. Ouarenteed bee ta Seao phis auerteriy cemmiasiona.

Call Barbara, I4M7I, Snelling 4 Snetling bmeMyment service, SOI Sam Houston HJXt. Advocate Classifieds Get Fast Results Dial 574-1234.

Victoria Advocate from Victoria, Texas (2024)
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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.